Stories tagged sonnet

Sonnet I

10771077 views33 comments33 favs

Much as the cockerel crows the break of day/ So, too, has our love similar herald,

Sonnet II

715715 views22 comments11 fav

When gratitude on lovers' lips rings false/ As flattery by courtly sycophants,/ Take care to well distinguish gold from dross/ So as to gild gladder remembrances.


11041104 views77 comments33 favs

Shit, I guess I'm gonna hafta

Sonnets III-VI (The Ishtar Sonnets)

781781 views00 comments00 favs

With porc’lain hand she writes thy thankless verse/ Like Proserpina, strapped to eb’ny throne,/ Eternally paying the six-month purse/ For hunger once soothed with but seeds alone.

Sonnet VII

810810 views11 comment11 fav

Oh Triple-Crownéd who evades my sight,/ Guide me down proper crossroads in this life/ As you have promised to grant me your might/ And make of me eternity's fair wife.