12 2 1
I have a memory of rooms I never leave but have invisible walls. These are rooms I never leave, these are rooms where I exist but don't live. These are rooms where it is dark but I know they can see everything. They can even see inside of me—even my heart beating…
67 11 3
“Just cross your legs and think of something erotic,” urged Lilly Gant, to her prisoner in a dun Valiant
279 4 3
I stand in your shower borrow your scents- Peach Caress Soap …
23 2 0
39 0 0
The night wore on and the moon peeked through the windows as he dressed her in his wife’s clothes. She danced and teased, shed layers of clothing only to put more on but none of the clothes pleased him enough and she left before his wife came home, slippi
4 3 0
When muscle tone and joint strength/
join the absent attributes, you’ll slump/
within your favorite chair and wonder/
what became of you, once fiercely vertical?
1155 0 0
Her fever spreads through lines of a plaid mini, over burnt milk, darkened to yellow. Fingers explore fabric folds up and into the lost dimensions of logic.
1352 23 12
The skin will stay but you won’t see it,/
camouflaged by creases, tags, and curious/
deposits of renegade fat and pigment.
611 0 0
It wasn't raining, and I wasn't in Paris. The moon wasn't out, and I couldn't see the city lights. It was a sunny Saturday, not too hot but hot enough, and I wondered if my bike would fall over …
60 6 4
55 5 4
76 5 5
1257 8 5
The strange bones of language
wander the room.
878 16 12
Don't mistake my eyes for supplication.
My invisibility is your nightmare.
1151 4 3
Don't throw earth on bones.