141 13 10
The nudibranch family two blocks away / answers a mighty summons
65 11 7
Unfortunately, there is nothing to be done about the coupling of tombstones. First of all, their copulations are deafening — how they grunt and sigh! — and secondly, the sparks spewing from the friction — blue, green, yellow, and purple - ignite fires
59 2 1
Entwined tongues on a run, taking his inventory
1361 2 1
It wasn't that I couldn’t imagine it. Rather, I could almost conjure the choreography to mind. One of his hands would graze at the side of my face. One finger would extend and stroke me, from my temples to my chin. He would press my body against something
1283 2 1
"What is it?" Frank said, turning to face the rock, and pissing on Biff, who frowned in dismay. ¶ "It looks like there's a note attached!" Joe said, as he turned to look at the rock, and pissed on Biff from the other side. Biff frowned some more.