7070 20 17
The woman returns from the store with an armload of books. She reads them quickly, one by one, over the course of the next few weeks. But when she opens the last one, the woman frowns in surprise.
All the pages in the book are blank.
Every single one.
398 3 3
When he utters the first words -- which rarely vary, the better to signal that the waiting is over and the main attraction has begun -- “It was a quiet week in our little town...” -- half the audience applauds for nothing.
31 2 1
Wolfman Jack growled his gravel.
1115 6 2
We’re going to talk about our future like the Rick Dees Weekly Top 40. Like there are 40 great songs this week about our future.
5 3 0
Innocence Lying awake in the dark, way past bedtime on a school night. Transistor radio under the pillow, earpiece plugged in. My brother breathes softly in the bed next to me and his pet iguana Gunga Din rustles in its cage. The scent of lilacs wafts in through the open…
1090 1 1
Chromio citrio sticky-floored furio...