1075 3 1
Leonard can wait no longer. Finally, he asks Darren if he enjoys pornography. Well, more accurately, he types the question. Click, click, click. Wait, wait, wait.
24 1 1
I came home from school to an empty house and watched the scrambled porn channel I could kind of unscramble with my black-and-white televisions v-hold and h-hold knobs. Hearing that cat wheeze down the hall in the bathroom was a mood killer.
79 0 0
Dolly did not need medication or Bible study. She loved and enjoyed her husband. She hoped she would die first.
448 8 4
A humboldt squid flies through the air above Newbury Street. Seawater drips from its tentacles. The squid soars gracefully, like a fleshy torpedo, around lamp posts and buildings. Occasionally it swoops down to earth.
123 4 1
She wore a tiara and red sequin dress to the airport. Her socks didn't match. Everyone stared, even in San Francisco.
1462 5 3
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue just came out, and all over America librarians are flipping through its pages and rolling their eyes. The swimsuit issue, which isn't actually about swimwear at all, but, is, instead, about young, beautifully shaped female…