1735 10 10
... and you can’t balance your checkbook or divide a three-way bill in a restaurant but you can still recite all the sixteen ways of SHAUN CASSIDY TELLS: 16 WAYS TO TURN ME ON!
1736 11 5
“This is not turning out to be a wholesome project,” my brother hissed into the phone one night.
“Yo, Alan, it’s ELVIS. It’s American gothic, and the child needs to know the underbelly of the myth,” I hissed back.“Did you, or did you not, wear makeup to
1131 4 4
Tears and tears and tears flowed
99 5 3
When you have nothing to wear but censor bars because nipples and crotch are the sacred places we save for magic, the bullet catch, the rope trick, the aztec lady,
the disappearing act,
the quick change.
Kim K tweeted a nude selfie today
840 0 0
“Okay, here is a wild idea. Let's each choose outfits from the second hand store for the other to buy and wear to a bar for a drink..."
Famous second to last words?
995 2 1
Wesley did not rob banks in Banning County. Wesley Roberts was the sheriff of Banning County; robbing its banks would have created a conflict of interest.
709 2 1
And then, one fateful day, the world ran out of ideas. The last one was gone, floating away like a balloon full of the helium we had already squandered.
831 6 3
It was only a dream. No one died, nor were they even harmed. So horrifying!
864 8 3
Every ten days, the Decadent Sisters assembled for dinner. Although raised together, they were each very different...
774 4 2
When they first brought me home, I was their pride and joy. Then, one day, they put me in this wooden box.
648 4 2
The gated community of Dos was named for one of Babbage’s landmark educational figures, Ms. Dos.
653 0 0
Weekly game night for the Oscar Family. Winning is secondary.
791 7 4
My work is not that sexy and glamorous kind of time travel that you see in the movies with Deloreans and phone booths.
723 8 4
God had decided to resign. Not even two weeks notice. He just resigned. Point blank.
646 8 4
It was cold and clammy, but then it got worse. Far worse. Any opportunity to celebrate the unity and harmony of tolerance was soon cancelled.