Stories tagged poem

Chicken Human

887887 views77 comments33 favs

I was in a Chinese restaurant trying to read the menu when I realized Hunan was only 1 letter off of Human I thought it read Chicken Human This was just in a dream, so I ordered it It was delicious, but kind of salty Then someone at ano

Indigo Man

5454 views22 comments11 fav

Poetry - 101

Testament Part 1 of 6

5555 views33 comments33 favs

Their nouns are few and stark./ Ours are numerous and dappled/ or subtly shaded and shadowed/ by circumstance and possibility.


761761 views11 comment00 favs

Watch the moon hang with methough miles and miles apart.Over sea and rock and railwaysforever in my heart.

Testament Part 2 of 6

22 views00 comments00 favs

One must learn to give the Bull the things/ it needs: space, grass and grain, his mates/ and offspring, and elude the things/ its momentary fury wants- your death

Testament Part 2 of 6

757757 views11 comment33 favs

One must learn to give the Bull the things/ it needs: space, grass and grain, his mates/ and offspring, and elude the things/ its momentary fury wants- your death

Cumulo Nimbus

3737 views11 comment11 fav

Un-rhymed free verse

Testament Part 3 of 6

22 views00 comments00 favs

Against that, this testament, scratched/ with misshapen styluses, made/ from memory by unskilled hands,/ with a pallid memory of ink.

Jill Walks Across the Snow Covered Gas Station Parking Lot, Sits Next to Jack on the Curb and Gives Him a Cigarette

921921 views11 comment11 fav

Maybe adulthood isn't the destination I always thought it was?

I'll See You Later -- Mom

2727 views00 comments00 favs

She expected me to be back. She expected life to continue pretty much as it was. But where’s her garden now? Where’s California, and the sunlight? Where’s the cattle ranch in Illinois that she and my father had? A cattle ranch? In Illinois? This

Testament Part 3 of 6

803803 views66 comments44 favs

Against that, this testament, scratched/ with misshapen styluses, made/ from memory by unskilled hands,/ with a pallid memory of ink.

Testament Part 4 of 6

11 view00 comments00 favs

We once saw giants in the clouds and in/ connected points of stars, and named/ them, gods. We placed them in their /high-halled villas,

Bread Sweaters

952952 views22 comments22 favs

We sat around the ocean table and ate eyes on ham

Testament Part 4 of 6

761761 views33 comments44 favs

We once saw giants in the clouds and in/ connected points of stars, and named/ them, gods. We placed them in their high-halled villas,/ on the mountaintop, to game and frolic

Absinthe Drinking in a Bar in Paris

10921092 views22 comments00 favs

Half past six; already, through the gloom Saltwater flourish sifts from wharfs that ply Their play like girls that haunt the midnight's womb, As far it seems as walks of Barbary. Within the bar, French waitresses and sots Play dice with time awhile and rub…