Stories tagged panties

Oedipus Speaks

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I don’t know what happened. One day I was in her room, groping the various drawers for hidden condoms, glimpses of women’s undergarments and I found a spectacular pair of blue lace panties

Ten Reasons

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When she buys a new dress on sale at Macy’s, with a low-cut neckline and a flattering belt that cinches at the waist, and she puts it on and saunters up to her husband, stretched out across the couch reading the newspaper, and asks, “How do I look?” with

Cary Grant's Underpants

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Cary Grant wore women's panties. Not boxers, or even briefs. Panties. He said he wore them because they were more comfortable, according to “An Affair To Remember,“ a memoir written by one of his lovers. It gives you a whole new perspective on…

SHARPEI! by Tao™ Lin®

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[Don't try to interview me, even if you're from "Rolling Stone" — I'll just "tweet" in your face!]