47 2 1
My love was photovoltaic, not Elizabethan.
1367 0 0
“I was listenin' ta one o' them Terran religious broadcasts 'bout Mother Earth when they up an' says that global warmin' was all the fault o' mankind, an' they had ta make the non-believers see that all the drivin' they did, an' all the stuff they bought
1846 0 0
Babylon Tower is AWESOME! The captain of the ship announced our arrival in time for everyone to view it on the screens. First Class got to view it from the viewing room, and they disembarked first. Steerage got off last. What we saw upon arrival was w
925 4 2
And in the dark caves a new secret, hidden from flyby probes and the imagination of men. In these new caves, names for the loved ones, Bradbury, Clarke, Rover
841 0 0
Jerry turned away from the window to face the box on wheels. Its camera would scan his face, looking for the answers.
1722 22 15
The Cheshire grinning/
moon cups itself to capture/
Venus should she fall.
653 7 7
The monkey did not live for long. He’d lost interest in the stuffed dog pretty much right away. The farther away the shuttle, the more garbled and fanciful the sign language the monkey had been taught became.