Stories tagged love

LH 1787

704704 views44 comments22 favs

How did Hannibal get elephants through that?

HVAC is so sexy. What?

896896 views00 comments00 favs

We had imagined making babies with ease, as if they were simply fruit- ripening on the trees around us- and all we had to do is stretch out our limbs and pluck. We never imagined that skill is involved, that heartbreak is required, and that the one simpl

Falling in 4:55

9898 views33 comments00 favs

“You are going to fall in love with me,” her smile suggested she had said this to many men, and she was probably right every time. She spun the CD on the tip of her finger as her tongue flicked from behind her teeth. Her dark hair was always arranged just so,…


102102 views44 comments00 favs

Ruby never wailed. She was tougher than that. Her eyes were hot with tears, though. She dabbed a dishcloth along her cheeks. Ruby was 31 years old, broken down and drained. She married for love at first, got hate in the end, and lost more than…

On news of your demise

899899 views44 comments00 favs

The news just now that you are dead

Four hearts and a vase of jonquils

13391339 views1717 comments66 favs

Yankees call them daffodils.

Conjured love

16691669 views1212 comments88 favs

Love heals. Lovers know this from the start, Yet they may not know with certainty What love is. Not that it matters especially When they find the magic within the power Of unfolding lust, Of redemption, Of unmitigated joy. There's a mutual…


669669 views33 comments11 fav

As bad as it is you say it is not that bad, you say it made your Sunday.

In The Place Between - Part Three

944944 views22 comments00 favs

“I do not know if you can hear me, or if you can talk to me. Some people do not believe in people like you, you know, spirits, ghosts or whatever you are. I do. I know you are here because of what happened here.” I could not speak. I did not feel I could.

Jay is Dead.

138138 views1414 comments77 favs

I didn't feel much when I found out that Jay is dead. I didn't cry. I tried.

Moon Stone

14781478 views55 comments44 favs

It is late at night and you lean / over me to make sure your alarm is set.

'I don't wanna not know you'

280280 views66 comments55 favs

She'd hung a handful of pink quartz, blue datolite and clear rock crystals from my rear-view mirror, they swayed and clapped together with each jarring impact of the F-250 as we headed up up up up. She said, "each time they click, it's good luck," brushin


223223 views1111 comments55 favs

Costas was the Greek who put these buildings up all over the city. But all it meant to us was forty five floors—all windows and glass—and not one ledge to give a foothold.

Affairs of the Heart

673673 views22 comments00 favs

The next morning, I was shaved, skinned and stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey for its untimely demise.

The Night She Took Her Dignity Back

945945 views44 comments00 favs

She had endured three years of abuse for those hot, fleeting moments of tenderness—just enough warmth to keep her second-guessing the bitter frost. Now the ring promised a lifetime of biting back her pain.