718 0 0
Ever since the comet missed earth, then bathed us all in its radiant tail, things on earth have been topsy-turvy. The comet's tail gave a few people super-powers; almost all of them were good folks, though some were brighter than others.
380 34 15
"Natalie's a Russian." He was pulling her up from the chair, spinning her around wildly. "Doesn't she remind you of Anna Karenina?"... When I took hold of her small white hand it felt spooky, like a skinned bird.
1414 0 1
What kind of person would the author’s daughter, Gracie, become? That things didn’t look bright for her future was an understatement: Mother: alcoholic, dead at age 25 from puking her brains out; Father: m
237 6 7
Now it was, distorted as it was through the sepia tones of mourning. It's that sweet spot - the place where fantasy and memory collide. It's what makes reality livable.
1241 4 3
When I was a kid, I was terrified of dying in a bombing,
which is strange, really, because I lived in Long Island,
which has relatively few bombings to speak of.