974 5 5
there should be a word for it.
844 3 3
I check the NPR news app. The story about the shooting in Pittsburg has already been pushed off the homepage. There is an article about yellow fever in the 14th century, a potential ceasefire in Yemen, players protesting the national anthem, a plane crash
853 3 3
sometimes i have to be in the other room
just so i can breathe easy away from you.
171 7 5
Love escapes into primary nouns . . .
927 6 3
While most spread their time in other occupation, I traveled through books and grew my imagination. I knew endless bliss. I was a book eater. I would just devour books that I loved and slug through those I didn't, just to make myself eat the truths and li
151 11 10
Feathers littered the ground beneath the sycamore, glossy black ones, short one and long.
58 4 4
. . . when distance loses memory in plain sight . . .
83 9 4
94 2 1
He’d lost any contact with the last woman he’d attempted a romance with, a nurse from Dublin, who, after a romantic weekend in Moate with him had departed with his kissing her forehead and admonishing her to “look after yourself, now.”
84 7 4
Heartbeat sped as heart size shrank to a ribcage of hollow bones. The curlew’s cry froze over the open bog and morphed to the trill of the river-bird.
120 7 8
178 4 4
Across her chest a tapestry of wires interconnected.
Care From Old English—to lament.
106 7 7
We lined up opposite one another, instructed to stare into the other person's eyes for fifteen seconds. No talking. The debris of loneliness. Eyes welled with tears.
761 5 2
Reincarnation. Not a bad deal, especially for cows. For the rest of us, it is like being in a witness protection program. And all without the risk of having those against whom you bore witness coming after you. Usually.
242 3 3
This is no time for those of a religious persuasion. No.