Stories tagged justice

London Fog

13351335 views33 comments11 fav

I stumbled out of the Ten Bells pub, still a bit tipsy from the absinthe, but had a clear vision of what I wanted to have happen this night. The air was cold on my rosy cheeks, so I shielded my face…

"But Stringing Up Darkies Is"

18641864 views77 comments55 favs

The cat's on the floor fussing with the plastic bag from the liquor store. There are tiny scratches and bites on my hand. The TV is fully concerned with liquor-induced violence. "These people are thirsty." I'm the same, but my needs are met. Prohibition's over. …

Strange Justice

132132 views1616 comments1212 favs

I’m not who I expected to be.


317317 views4444 comments1313 favs

One of the founders of the site has a German shepherd dog named "Fritz Lang".

The Sentence

11101110 views00 comments00 favs

Two women are escorted to the desert, where they are shackled to the ground. Who are they, what have the done, and will they survive?