141 3 0
I believed him to be one of the greatest painters in some things I have encountered or that the world indeed has seen, a contradictory personage, indeed, who captivated and confounded his audiences and friends alike, leaving them always with a doubt lodge
162 3 1
He would call himself a torrent, though born a stream, and indeed he seeped a shiny and brilliant substance that dazzled awhile yet after a time became, I think, a true poison. Yet the interest perhaps lies in its source. Was it infected from the beginnin
1561 0 0
Something was there. It was undeniable, and he turned to face the padre, whose eyes were now clenched shut. Without asking for further permission, he moved his hand in-between the intestines, which felt like curtains of tightly—wound chorizos. Suddenly
23 0 0
The plan had been almost four hundred years in the making, ever since that fateful September 11th in 1714 when Barcelona fell to the Bourbon army who had been laying siege at its city walls.
367 5 2
Beside Lorraine, her faithful husband held the knitted booties once intended for their stillborn babies, and beneath these was a box of Lorraine’s missing teeth, which rattled as the pair walked up the aisle.
1025 3 0
The door flew open, hitting the wall, and the woman seated in the corner across from her pressed herself against the bench. Loretta saw that down through her petticoats came a trickle of yellow liquid, which pooled on the floor.
2039 3 1
This sucks! Sorry for the teen-speak Vicky, but it does. You saw me in the hospital. It's just as bad at home. They still don't know what to do for my smashed voice box. I probably won't ever speak again. (Maybe with a mechanical thing lik
23 0 0
She dreams she is sitting on a tripod under the watchful eyes of Apollo, with the bodies of pilgrims snaking up the path, shuffling side to side, edging ever closer to her temple. Bags of grain, and other goods, are balanced on their backs. Young lambs, cradled in juvenile…
1002 0 0
You know what happened. You heard about it. We were considered unuseful to the Nazis and were gassed in those shower rooms. It was all over so quick; I had hardly a chance to understand. I really did not feel anything because before it was over, I, being
1151 1 1
The night is very clear and unusually cold. We are so near to the star that its light banishes the darkness that tries futilely to extinguish it. A small village twinkles in the foothills to our east. The cry of a lost sheep cuts the night like a blade
973 0 0
So much of everything isn't the way I'd do it at all. I wouldn't do myself the way I've been done. Nope, the way I'm turning out is not the way I planned, definitely. I'm turning out to be a limp middle class day-after-day type of guy ... I go to work, I
1337 8 5
It was the first time I had ever seen a possession.