they had babies - lots and lots of babies. And they drove around in giant, steel tanks that they called cars.
Tonight was no remarkable night. The sun rose and set without question, children’s hearts broke with truth, around the world millions of people lost someone they cared about, millions people fell in love. It was an average day—it was unremarkable. It w
How hard it is to pretend to be someone else. Alone, together, in the silence... I thought about how you must really like me to act quite like that. I wanted to hold your hand and read the unsent love letters.
EARTH SCIENCE In Seventh Grade we took earth science. Miss G was the teacher. I had her Fourth Period right after lunch. She was scrawny. On the tall side. Skin leathery from having been a tour guide at the Grand Canyon after…
pretending to be lifeless
The steam and odor of teenagers coated with subwoofers spitting dirty, dance playlists filled our cafeteria. The walls were painted by lights that regurgitated the colors of our glow sticks—the neon greens, blues, purples, and oranges. There was more of
"I didn’t take my mother’s denial of my dream lightly. I wanted it desperately. I cried and pleaded, nagged and begged. On several occasions, I temperamentally got out of the car at a stop sign and walked. Once, my mother said that I was nagging her so mu
I don’t think I like where we stood
To see these golden paths of what could
I hate to think I awoke from this lie
“While solving for x I became a sort of ex-…” You graduated from making poems to making- out to making hottub love (you once: am I the only virgin online?) to making new friends (with me, often: I know I make a…
"I am well mannered", I told myself. "I'm the best damn person I know."
Sounds of bass and disco-techno music pounded the air around Duran. The music, pulsing strobe lights and streams of fluorescent colour sent his senses on a celebratory high.
"Kinky. You gonna slug me one with your tight fist down there?" Falcon teased the biggest boy.