986 0 0
Being awake for the sunrise, that is the good planfor writing poemsand listening to enginesbirdsand bus stop silence.Now, I'm going to smokeout back on my roof porchfrom this atticapartmentin this desert land of big-titted blondesand listen to stadium fansrage…
309 18 12
And it wasn't even a lesbian romance!
34 9 5
“What's taking you so long, pussy. You gotta get in the game!"
1390 1 1
Amid the swerve and pulse of hungry bodies Girma Dali picks his spot, a tissue-wide patch of net where's he going to strike. A green-jerseyed defender closes in on him his brute momentum unleashed like a kamikaze pilot swooping into enemy orbit, his lunging body makes…
1514 2 1
What Mohammed didn’t tell me was the house was owned by drug dealers and inhabited by wealthy playboys who urged me over and over again to accompany them to the bathhouse.
1695 13 8
Heaven’s a blast! It’s like a big summer camp in space...We are the weavers of the tie-dyed sky.
1115 3 2
They looked like girl’s jeans. Matt held them against himself in the mirror. Not that girl’s jeans were a mark against them. Usually, girls had better jeans anyway. Matt took two of the biggest pairs out of the big chest in his grandmother’s back closet.
1037 1 0
I’m not ready for football. I’m not ready for it, but I live in a southern town that worships at its altar more devoutly than those suicidal beauties in James Wright’s great poem.
539 7 5
Being immersed in the all-male dressing-room atmosphere erodes the awkward edges off a man, making him into a more rounded human being