29 5 0
... What
Is this patriotism that permits no illusions except for those
Of the duped, lazy, mall-happy, fat-as-rhino people I call my own --
146 5 4
The flag was so tattered and furled that it could hardly catch a breeze if it tried, and it looked so tired that catching a breeze was the last thing on its agenda. Rather, it dangled almost lifelessly, a slight wave no more than the movement of a blade o
184 5 2
58 4 2
i should have fucked as much as i could and raised /
a hundred to be like my son, if all pacifists did that /
leaving the facists to kill each other
2824 5 3
One must never, ever wipe one's hands on a flag, and this wouldn't even be a problem if people weren't so lackadaisical about getting the flag out and up at picnics.
1283 0 0
"I didn’t take my mother’s denial of my dream lightly. I wanted it desperately. I cried and pleaded, nagged and begged. On several occasions, I temperamentally got out of the car at a stop sign and walked. Once, my mother said that I was nagging her so mu