59 14 6
Well, then buy me a gimlet and hold the olive with the little red thingy in it, I say. Wondering why I said it. On account of there's no reason to think he's not going to bite me.
25 5 1
When the egg cracked and a kid’s head rolled onto the floor, he flew into a whirl of a rage and cracked his wife’s head open with a bottle of cheap vodka.
15 6 0
Three A few months later, queuing for cinema tickets with her new boyfriend, she sees him. He's walking down the street — headphones on, eyes down, hands in pockets. She holds her breath until she stops shaking. By then, she'd already decided not to tell. …
78 9 4
His flat hat, a fur-trimmed streimel, lay on his head like a platter of dead minks, the man's Shirley Temple side-locks dangling like pigtails.
1381 8 8
So she set about eliminating the problem, all the time recalling some newsmagazine program she’d seen as a child: a discussion of hantavirus, nasty and deadly and spread by mice.
112 9 7
Reality is overrated. A mistake