30 4 4
The unicorn's soul rocked gently back and forth in the virtual hammock of a place outside of time, birth, or reality. Things were quite perfect there, with no responsibilities to molecules or other limitations. Once in a while the unicorn sipped from a virtual…
949 1 0
So what happensTo the VFWIn a global economyAnd the monumentsErected in reverenceAfter the boysWho became menCame back homeTo be fathersThen grandfathersGreat-grandfathersAnd start to fall awayAs the days creep byThat petty paceOf politics as usualFamily DiasporasAnd maybe…
122 0 0
"Let's see...I...in the beginning...came from...hmmm...does it really matter to you?"
1848 29 18
The story of my life/
would put insomniacs to sleep.