Stories tagged drama

Killzone Excerpt: The Return I

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He was hauled in on a white cloth, pulled up by four men on each corner. Killzone wondered why the cloth was white. It made it too obvious he was bleeding. He didn't want his men to see his wounds. None of them. But, even heroes bleed. He was zoning in and out of…

Killzone Excerpt: The Return II

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When they arrived at the base it was a quarter passed twelve in the afternoon. The sun sat right above the city. Rays of hope and triumph reflected off of Class 3 Assault Rifles and military vehicles capable of packing enough punch to put a hole in your motivation.…


582582 views66 comments55 favs

Filling his nostrils, cold and moist against his cheek. The primitive taste of it, like licking a grave. Prayers tossed from his mind to the heavens as stray small coins are tossed into a fountain. His left arm throbbing beneath his weight. All around him

Original Music Makes: Episode 1 - 01

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Sounds of bass and disco-techno music pounded the air around Duran. The music, pulsing strobe lights and streams of fluorescent colour sent his senses on a celebratory high.

Lovelandtown Tavern

592592 views44 comments44 favs

James Hubert III sat at the bar. It was late. His wife and kids were long in bed and he knew he should be, too. But with the Lovelandtown lift bridge stuck in mid-air, a drink beckoned him. He sat next to Vince DeSantos, a small, stout man, with a bowling