Stories tagged depressing


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He turns and assesses me. Pretty blonde girl in a nice jacket and skirt. She looks like she has money. His eyes reach my face and he sees that I have tears in my eyes, on my cheeks.


21672167 views88 comments33 favs

They should have shot me when I turned 80, a bullet right between my sunken eyes.

The Untimely Death of the Old Forgotten Man

14101410 views44 comments22 favs

I watched haunted as my pearl tooth circled the rotten porcelain sink. I could feel my hair thinning and my pale skin suddenly felt too loose.

On Clearance

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She clutched her fat rolls and tugged on a pant leg. "I'm so embarrassed! You caught me on a bad day!"

Tying A Knot

13001300 views44 comments11 fav

The months leading up to that night were unbearable. It was as if a debt loomed over us begging to be paid. We both knew I would find you dangling at the end of a rope, it was only a matter of when.