Stories tagged dead

Dead Crows

19881988 views1616 comments77 favs

The night my husband became a transvestite, crows started dying. They fell from the sky like black umbrellas, hitting the ground with a thud. A rainstorm of birds. I figured it was a virulent strain of bird flu that drifted into the clouds and killed them

Why'd You Come Back?

15201520 views00 comments00 favs

But there, up the street, just coming into the corner of the window, someone was in the middle of the road. Walking literally down the middle, dragging one leg like it was heavy or broken, carving a fat line next to the skinny one the good one made.


16201620 views11 comment00 favs

The sun browbeat me relentlessly, like a one-eyed judge with an unforgiving heart.


12001200 views22 comments00 favs

I paused in case she said more. Then, “He’s very faint but he wants to talk.” She leaned forward, chin almost resting on the grey-haired woman in front of her. “Tell him to shout.”


15271527 views66 comments11 fav

"I expect 50% of the agreed fee. In cash.” I dropped the envelope at the designated spot and parked up the street.

Wrong Nail Polish

103103 views1111 comments88 favs

Is it any wonder I squeaked?

From The Darker Blog Of Charles M. Shulz

4848 views00 comments00 favs

Patti, wish I'd the balls to make it with you ... but all I can ever do is draw

Buddhas Don't Drive Hyundais

196196 views33 comments00 favs

We wish for Santa, we celebrate the birth of Christ, but no one would ever expect that the happy Buddha would come to celebrate Christmas Eve. Papa had been given this designated title for…

A Moment's Change

153153 views00 comments00 favs

Then he spoke of her cowardice, and from within, her heart fluttered and a soft heat branched out across her chest, face, and stomach pits and she felt imprisoned by that room.

Him and his Father

14361436 views55 comments11 fav

Snow was falling. People passed by the window and wore large coats. Inside, Alex stood in front of the window and watched.

And her child

13031303 views22 comments22 favs

The mother was happy, though. She was happy because she could make him some soup and then she could feed it to him in bed.

The Ghosts in the Meeting

12191219 views22 comments22 favs

No one had told the newer tenants that the dead would be given votes, and they were in an uproar: it wasn’t legal; it wasn’t fair; it was creepy.

Dead Relatives Day

114114 views44 comments44 favs

“I would not eat that cake if I was you,” Uncle Marty says, clinging now to the tire swing and panting like he is out of breath. “You know what it done to me.”

The mannequins are only playing dead

11991199 views33 comments55 favs

at nightthe mannequins leave their glass prisons and hunt owls in the forest***sometimes they dance a slo-mo tarantella in a clearingbone-white …


133133 views55 comments55 favs
