Stories tagged dead

To my dead girlfriends

341341 views33 comments22 favs

You can call out,

In the Stream of Space Expanding, Eddies

11421142 views1414 comments1010 favs

Microscopic purposes emerged// with their combinations and permutations

If I were dying

21432143 views2020 comments1818 favs

The doctor told me: "You have 24 hours to live. no more, no less."

Scalia Death Haiku

111111 views1212 comments33 favs

May you suffer, dead.

The Passed Away

10491049 views1111 comments66 favs

Died is forever. Passed away/ Is ambiguous. Dead isn’t/ polite.

Apocalypse Haiku

696696 views22 comments11 fav

Burying the dead