1257 1 1
And here I am again.
I chew my nails. I tap my foot. I chew my nails. I sweat. I bleed. My nose bleeds. It drips. I drip. I'm dripping through my chair.
31 0 0
He has such a stupid look on his face, with that bulbous nose and ugly tooth.
“What do you mean you quit?”
“I quit, Wally. I’m done. It’s over.”
“Seriously. I want out.”
1178 11 8
He picked at his food. The teen-aged boys gnawed the bones. The conversation was nothing he was interested in. Chitchat and family jokes.
1576 1 1
This is the story of my friend, Gil
2373 0 0
In which Clint is sucked into a remarkably civilised but mildly deranged crime scene. There he encounters almost-blackmail, not-actually prostitution, probable-sex scandals, genuine-imposters & the very real theft of something incredibly important. Twice.
1497 18 19
Where we live, at the edge of the foothills at the east edge of town, fire is always a worry during the summer, and this has been an exceptionally dry year.