1285 18 3
she peeled back
the white wrapper
from around her
ice cream sandwich
slowly, methodically
1671 1 0
I had been crouching in the bushes outside her house for at least two hours when the show started. Some people might call it obsession. Me, I like to call it dedication.
269 7 7
The shop is dark except for a shaft of light from the back room. I try the locked door, jiggle the knob, bang loudly on the pane glass and yell for Mr. Haupmann. A man's head appears in the backlit doorway to a room adjoining the darkened retail area. …
884 1 1
478 5 6
This is a piece about wind-chimes,
well, not really,
1034 18 9
They left me on a gurney for hours...