Stories tagged cake

Remember Hardy

380380 views3434 comments1515 favs

"Natalie's a Russian." He was pulling her up from the chair, spinning her around wildly. "Doesn't she remind you of Anna Karenina?"... When I took hold of her small white hand it felt spooky, like a skinned bird.


5656 views44 comments11 fav

The car inching along, she repeated, bread, milk, cake, over and over, so not to forget.

Chicken Bones

353353 views2828 comments1212 favs

"My body annoys me. It distracts me from myself with its constant needs, never fulfilled. I feed it like a stray cat that’s been there too long."

Ten Reasons

10151015 views33 comments11 fav

When she buys a new dress on sale at Macy’s, with a low-cut neckline and a flattering belt that cinches at the waist, and she puts it on and saunters up to her husband, stretched out across the couch reading the newspaper, and asks, “How do I look?” with

Act of Creation

15201520 views22 comments11 fav

Mary ran her cake business in a way she could never have run her marriage. It was by appointment only, full deposit, partial refund (and this purely at her own discretion). Business was terrific and she had to turn down job after job. She only made…

Heaven Sent

7373 views55 comments11 fav

Another miracle is that the cake was a success, even without buttercream frosting. Yes, it was Swiss chocolate. It still is Swiss chocolate. The cake is still there. The cake is not gone.

Unintentional Hermits/ Animal Cities- The General Woman

947947 views11 comment11 fav

She lived a good life she told herself. She lived a good life because she demanded little- little materialistic comforts that is- at least this is what she thought- and what she demanded anyway was simple, aesthetic; sophisticated and perhaps even neat. Yes she was a neat…

The Cake Forest

996996 views00 comments00 favs

They look like amateur beavers, all twenty-seven of them on their knees, gnawing through frosting bark. My wife is taking notes on a huge purple flower, listening to the kids as they shout out what tree corresponds to what flavor.

Radical Middle-Aged Cake Acceptance

11601160 views33 comments22 favs

Cake is not the enemy.

Your Depression On Replay

10511051 views1010 comments99 favs

I offer you a peanut butter sandwich full of unconditional love and you say I'm being controlling, so I let you eat cake, eat cake.