Stories tagged boyfriend

Old Flame

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The receiving line stretched into the lobby of the funeral home, which was decorated with faded Waverly wallpaper, dirty lemon yellow carpeting, and the kind of ornate white furniture I used to want in my bedroom when I was a little girl. The people in th

(6) Compatriots

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"It was here where he’d first seen the girl—Nan. Slender, with brown hair, pale skin, sitting on a bench, and reading from a pile of papers on her lap."

Losing my cool.....

488488 views33 comments11 fav

I thought I would be cooler. I had spent years working on it - being the "cool girlfriend". More than watch football, I could follow it and offer intelligent comments after ill-thrown flags. I delivered Hardee's Thickburgers to my boyfriend and his meathead friends at the…

My First Love Messages Me On Facebook

939939 views55 comments44 favs

He tells me that he thinks he reached out as he needed healing and I wonder if I should diagnose him on the spot, explain what years of therapy taught me about him. I don't. Instead I compliment a photograph of the pot plants he grows, organic,