Stories tagged bones

Digging Up Bones

14091409 views33 comments22 favs

So I'm digging, clawing the black earth, disappearing in its ore and shadow.

The Faceless Girl Tells Stories

19961996 views99 comments22 favs

spreading gilded pages with a tlickt

The death you are living loves you

1818 views00 comments00 favs

silence is the safest place to be when silence is what silence truly is

A Ship of Bones

928928 views00 comments00 favs

Make paddles of his hands Use his skull to bail Rig his thigh bones for a mast And his skin to make a sail


916916 views00 comments00 favs

The devil ran in my blood.Scars chase each other on my skin.One year old, I fell down the stairs in my walker.Five years old, I fell out of a tree while convincing my older sister to climbthe outlawed tree.At six I rode my bike down the biggest hill in the…


8080 views33 comments33 favs

DISLOCATION I'm down in the basement playing imaginary baseball. Dick Donovan coaxes Roy Sievers into grounding back to the mound. This should end the game. Donovan fields the yellow ball bounced off…

That’d Kill Ol’ Bob

44 views44 comments00 favs

A monstrous black dog slumbers in the doorway, still as a volcano. I step around him. An old folk saying about sleeping dogs tickles my brain like a coyote yelping on a moonlit night. Strands of smoke curl into fluorescent gossamer in the neon glow and cast a…

An Indirection

13411341 views1818 comments1414 favs

The bones are chilled now, past/ invigorations of the coming spring// and its entanglements

The Seer

12331233 views88 comments55 favs

The strange bones of language wander the room.

You'll Stand At My Graveside (after Mary Elizabeth Frye).

11291129 views44 comments33 favs

Don't throw earth on bones.