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They call her Blondie or Baby, but to the old woman at the laundromat she’s just Bee. ‘Buzz buzz,’ she laughs, as Bee passes her open palm through the small window. The old woman drops quarters from her fingertips, her skin thin and coppery, like pe
1806 12 3
The City Council supports this policy and, by necessity, ranks human slavery very low on the list of the city’s woes.
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I had never known the peculiar phenomenon of cop-love until it was my job to hold the sign. In my life, I have had many opportunities to explore the condition--I used to work in a coffee-shop, fertile ground for police/barista liaison--but never succumbed
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When Shorondra Reynolds was a baby we lived in a Baltimore brownstone on the edge of Pigtown. Just me and my mother, when there were no single mothers, just Adele’s mother or Mary’s mama, or Kiki’s madear and their like. It was a time when a five year-old