by Jack Swenson
My friend is in the hospital; I give him a call. He hurt his leg falling down some stairs. Tore the tendons above one knee. He's on pain pills, and he's talking goofy. I can't understand a word he says. I tell him I will call him later.
I hang up the phone, and it rings. It's a neighbor. He asks if our lights are out. Ours aren't; his are. That happens from time to time. Sometimes it's the other way around; we don't have power, and he does.
I look out the window and see one of our cats in the backyard. He just had all the hair on his body shaved off. They call it a "lion cut." He's an old Main Coon, and he can no longer keep himself up, so we had to give him a shave to get rid of the mats.
The cat is sitting on the patio staring off into space. He's ashamed of himself. He knows he looks funny. I feel guilty for cutting off all of his hair, but what could we do? He was so bound up he could hardly walk.
My wife has the night sweats. She still smokes, so when she gets up in the morning she coughs and coughs. She can't sleep, and she's tired all the time. I worry about her health. I do as many of the household chores as I can, but there are certain things I can't do. I can't cook, for example. And I can't wash and dry her clothes. I have no idea what combination of settings she uses for the washer.
I worry about the state of the nation, too. Now the nutcases are throwing bricks through the windows of offices of elected officials. Sarah Palin's got a chart picturing office holders in the crosshairs of a rifle scope. There's a militia down South somewhere that's got an armored car and a .50 calibre machine gun.
Right wing talk show hosts are celebrities. The John Birch Society co-sponsored a recent GOP event.
I blame it all on evil humors. Something's leaking. I go into our garage and sniff. I dig a pipe wrench out of my tool box and put it on my workbench so it'll be handy if there is an earthquake and I have to go outside and turn off the gas.
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Ever have one of those days?
oooh Jack, I like this. Yes, I have had these days. And things are so funky right now in our country. I feel like I'm running a low-grade fever all the time. You captured the evil humors. Nicely wrought!!!!
Nice piece, Jack. Good voice throughout. When in doubt, blame it on the evil humors. I like.
oh, this is terrific. Even your sad pieces make me feel comforted. That is odd, and impossible to explain. It is the depth in the voice, and the tiny details like broken shells you bring from the beach.
Thank you, my friends. D'Arcy, you put it well; I, too, feel I need to take a couple of Advil when I wake up each day! And Meg, maybe you feel comforted because I always write about the Human Comedy; life is sad and funny at the same time.
This seems to have the right combination of sad and funny. Love the writing!
Nice, Jack! Excellent writing as always. Fave.
Yes, sad and funny at the same time, your story about evil humors. I enjoyed reading it.
somewhere I read that the most interesting characters are the ones who are at the end of their ropes...think you've got that here, Jack!
Things are so much funnier when they're sad, too. I don't know why. That's what this story is. It's great.
I really enjoyed this, but when Sarah Palin was brought into it as well as other current hot topics, you kind of lost me - it pushed me out of the piece for some reason. Food for thought.
Great piece, Jack!
Love it, but I would agree with Mandee that a snipe at Palin didn't fit into the image because it was too focused there on statement.
Something's leaking, indeed. Love the tone of this piece.
NICE work, Jack.
Oh, you have tied up the humor and the pathos so well here, Jack. I'm worried too. Where will it all end? Black ocean?
A tight, loopy, paranoid exploration. Jack, as always, brilliant.
Yes, 'they' used to believe in evil humors - good thing you found that gas leak, Jack! Loved this.
Love the irony of the last line, going from the garage to inside the house to turn off the gas. It captures the tenor of our dog wagging the tail period of time. Enjoyed it!
your sad shaved cat, fits as the problems of our world mount.
Oh, if only it were all something leaking that could be turned off. I completely relate to the guy. And that poor Maine Coon. I have one, and he'd feel equally indignant under the circumstances. This is how too many of us feel, I'm afraid. I really like this.
Such a beautiful display of helplessness. Love it!
I love the way this monologue moves, Jack!! OUtstanding!! ***
I can relate! *