
Title Replies Author Latest Post
A Welcome and Primer STICKY 87 Joani Reese almost 3 years ago by Kitty Boots
NY State Summer Writers Institute 2011 3 Pamela J. Parker over 13 years ago by Pamela J. Parker
Review by f'naut Paul Steven Stone 2 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Estelle Bruno
Poets Read for Haiti 2 Judith A. Lawrence over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
Web Comic Fans 1 Pamela J. Parker over 13 years ago by Pamela J. Parker
Rosemetal Press Chapbook Award 9 kate hill cantrill over 13 years ago by kate hill cantrill
Meg Tuite and Jason Lee Norman: new stories now at 'Pure Slush' 1 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Matt Potter
Advance PDF of "Tenderoni" available for review 3 Kathy Fish over 13 years ago by Kathy Fish
An inspiration to us all.., 11 Matt Dennison over 13 years ago by Phoebe Wilcox
Thinking of our Australian friends... 2 Matt Dennison over 13 years ago by Phoebe Wilcox
Publicity for our Novel on New Millennium Writings 5 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Phoebe Wilcox
Anyone in NYC? 4 W.F. Lantry over 13 years ago by Phoebe Wilcox
Midwestern writers/stories needed! 5 Robert James Russell over 13 years ago by Lacey N. Dunham
New - at Blue Five Notebook... 10 Sam Rasnake over 13 years ago by Linda Simoni-Wastila
Len Kuntz for Real Time @ Pure Slush 9 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Linda Simoni-Wastila
My New Publications to Announce 7 Gloria Mindock over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
Whale Sound 6 W.F. Lantry over 13 years ago by Sam Rasnake
BLIP 5 Bill Yarrow over 13 years ago by Matthew A. Hamilton
Needed - Poetry Editor for new Midwestern lit journal, MIDWESTERN GOTHIC 1 Robert James Russell over 13 years ago by Robert James Russell
New Look, Write For Us, Advertise With Us 6 David Cotrone over 13 years ago by Joani Reese
Midwest Book Review of Angels Carry the Sun by Phoebe Wilcox 3 Phoebe Wilcox over 13 years ago by Susan Tepper
News: link to The Stony Thursday Book 4 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
MONDAY CHAT with Phoebe Wilcox 4 Susan Tepper over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
News: 'Kitchen Scrap' @ A-Minor 10 Matt Potter over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
that 11 Matt Dennison over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
New Chapbook Published :) 18 Kait Mauro over 13 years ago by Gloria Mindock
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