Forum / Cervena Barva Press Announces A New Book, "Triage" by Tam Lin Neville

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Sep 19, 02:11pm

    Cervena Barva Press Announces a New Book
    "Triage" by Tam Lin Neville

    Tam Lin Neville lives and writes in Somerville, MA. Journey Cake, her previous poetry collection, was published by BkMk Press (University of Missouri, Kansas City). She has received a Somerville Arts Council grant. Her poems have appeared in Harvard Review, Mademoiselle, American Poetry Review, Ironwood and Sulfur, among others. With her husband, Bert Stern, she co-edits Off The Grid Press, a press for poets over sixty. She also works for Changing Lives Through Literature, an alternative sentencing program.

    Praise for "Triage"

    Tam Lin Neville’s new book, Triage, reminds us that our cherished notions of freedom, happiness and plenty actually conceal large communities of entrapment, misery and poverty where many are simply left to die – triaged, if you will – in front of our eyes. An observant neighbor, a journalist, and above all, a poet of great skill and heart, Neville speaks for those who cannot speak for themselves. Few poets writing today have the patience and talent to guide us toward such a civilizing compassion.
    —Roger Mitchell

    Behind this remarkable book is a mind that has long contemplated the humanity of those she meets every day – neighbor, stranger, friend. Yet she speaks from a respectful distance and this enables her to write poems with no self-interest, only clear sight and generosity. Her language is spare, stripped of all aesthetic preening, creating a poetry that is both accurate and visionary.
    —Betsy Sholl

    Triage is a tough, uncompromising book, but one that’s also big-hearted, despite the sorrow so evident in the title and in many of the individual poems. Written with great economy and precision, the lyric here is not merely a display of skill, but a form of wisdom literature, a site map to help us navigate these difficult times. I hear the voices of Dickinson and Niedecker – stern mentors, indeed. In Neville’s poems their legacies are gracefully and fearlessly served.
    —David Wojahn

    $15.00 | ISBN: 978-0-9844732-3-6 | 51 Pages

    Ordering Information

    Order online at




    Send check or money order payable to:
    Cervena Barva Press
    P.O. Box 440357,
    W. Somerville, MA 02144-3222

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