170 17 8
That was why his face looked like a mole's face - the kind of face I could love and the only kind of face that I could talk to.
221 10 4
He was a freak, but I married him anyway. I was a loner. I was lonely. I would have married a one-legged troll on Easter Sunday if it meant it would break me from my fitful, yet dull life.
136 5 1
I jumped in the cab and headed to the airport. My flight to LA was in an hour. As I headed for the door, a mad dash really, I knocked over a tabletop sculpture of Dante that a friend bought for my wife and I in Florence the year before.…
1847 13 7
It’s not every day that a girl like me gets greeted with a hairy beast that orgles and spits when excited. Didn’t help none that it only had one eye. Poor little ole bugger.
106 21 6
Twisting and twirling, nearing velocity terminal, the wishbones in their chests rise and fall with the cadence of different bird songs calling. As they whistle down each is distinctively screaming.