Stories tagged working

...anything but love...

13961396 views77 comments11 fav

"Take a chance, Bill," she said, "Like Eddie across the hall did. Tess told me he marched right into his boss and demanded a raise. He pointed out how much they needed him and they gave him twenty-five dollars more a week.

Nine Women

11171117 views22 comments11 fav

"Haven't you ever had some little thing you would rather everyone just left you alone about? I don't like to have my picture taken. Please don't ask me again."

Road Work '92

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This is how she does it: Forward………… ...Reverse..........…….....Forward..........……...Reverse

Fixing Fence

10271027 views22 comments00 favs

The sun is coming up and the work day has already begun.

Thursday at the Office

12171217 views11 comment22 favs

David looked at the plaque sitting on top of his computer monitor and wondered if he’d even touched it since he’d placed it there. He picked it up and brushed off six years’ worth of dust into the wastebasket on top of the mustard-stained sandwich wrappe