621 21 11
142 10 1
I dig up half my life in the garden.
1189 5 1
One of her favorites was of an old axe asleep on a desert floor. She told people the axe had the western lips of September. That it held the song of the ocean and the dreams of a scarecrow. Some thought she was mad to talk in such a way. Others believed h
1425 2 0
You surprised me then, / climbing onto my finger: / climbing into my heart. / Your long, cobalt body felt weightless on my hand.
4 3 0
The thatched roof flew off the stone walls of the house like a hat blowing off. That's when it started blowing. It was the Night of the Big Wind. We were at the wake of John Gribbin when the storm rose up loud as rolling thunder. The wind took poor John right off the ice…
1534 28 14
You are terrified. You light/
the autopilot light and trust//
the small machineries of self/
to land things safely,
183 12 7
Despite our stern and stone appearance,
we have not existed forever