Stories tagged unreliable-narrator


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"I found a dead bunny one morning. This was about three weeks ago. Its tiny round pom-pom of a tail was missing."

Clio arrives

115115 views66 comments11 fav

Even the drooling, comatose wheelies were looking up to the sky to see what was about to fall. The gnats in the front lawn knew it. Every single thing was buzzing in unison.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Tree

12751275 views00 comments00 favs

I found him dead underneath a sycamore tree. I knew it was a sycamore tree because of all the acorns surrounding the body.

Going Organic

10871087 views55 comments55 favs

I should probably make it clear up front that I am not in my right mind, which I quite understand compromises the credibility of what I'm about to say. Without going into the history of my minor and somewhat more major psychotic episodes, my psychiatrist, unsure how finally…

looking 'like that'

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I think you’re overwhelmed, but I think a lot of things about you and not all of them are fair.