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The weather was cold and wet, and all day the crowds had been thin in the ten-in-one tent. Up on their platform, Fern and Rose sat on a wide threadbare chair, flanked by a pair of saxophones on stands.
718 0 0
Ever since the comet missed earth, then bathed us all in its radiant tail, things on earth have been topsy-turvy. The comet's tail gave a few people super-powers; almost all of them were good folks, though some were brighter than others.
1607 47 26
Drop out of school. Buy a journal and keep a list of excuses. Run wind sprints and lay off the beer. Use teeth whitener.
45 0 0
Robin is sick of being a sidekick.
"I am just sick of it," he says.
He is standing in front of a head shop. The manager is high, aroma leaking from his tee-shirt. He isn't sure if Robin is part of his trip or not, but he isn't going to
28 1 0
The door to the poker hideout is twelve feet thick surrounded by walls of reinforced concrete. We like a nice quiet place to play. Smoke billows into the hideout. No one moves. "Who thinks to play poker without the peerless intellect of Professor Mood?"