Stories tagged small-town

The Spirit Upwelling

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Too late, I feel a bite under my left heel, but before I can look, I blunder into Robert and Paul rolling across the bedroom floor. They knock me over like a bowling pin, and I grab Robert’s hands and try to pull them from around his father’s neck.

All the Pretty Boys

16771677 views66 comments11 fav

Somewhere along the line he had also become a junkie, so he had a plastic bottle filled with methadone. I took a swig of that as we decided to jump in a cab and go to a dance club. It was a total shit-hole...

O'erleaping Ambition

12971297 views33 comments00 favs

“Listen, Mother – you’re my ticket out of this burg and I’m not about to cash it in!”

Plaque on the wall of the new gymnasium at Middleton Elementary School

649649 views55 comments33 favs

I'm sure this sort of thing happens all the time.

Accident Assurance

11571157 views44 comments33 favs

They found your athymic neck/clipped like a bag of Skittles/and your lifeblood left a Rorschach test on the dash/in which they saw the future/and their own exits/(straight ahead and to the right).

Everybody Be Cool, This is a Robbery!

973973 views22 comments11 fav

Wesley did not rob banks in Banning County. Wesley Roberts was the sheriff of Banning County; robbing its banks would have created a conflict of interest.