1791 3 0
By my calculations, all hell is uncoiling. At the moment, this fact is not really obvious to anyone, but I'm confident that will change soon enough.
1636 0 0
I am warming up the Hotel Hugo courtesy shuttle van when Victor the front desk manager comes striding out waving his arms asking me why I haven't backed up yet. Victor says I'm always in my own world when I should be paying attention to the work at hand,
1715 17 13
“You’re a hard habit to break,” I said. My tongue was flaring. Flirting with nurses was my father’s thing.
1243 4 2
He picked up a pack of cigarettes and shook it. He flipped the lid to confirm there were none left.
30 0 0
Renee’s eyes shifted from the backseat in the mirror to her left shoulder, switching lanes. She was a fender away from a newspaper headline, obituary most likely, but luck was just passing and signaled the all clear.
64 1 1
She's good with scissors, too, knows how to slice up her seams. Nothing up her sleeves, you can see when she turns herself inside out. And she won't even charge you a fee.
1646 6 7
A full moon in the morning sky, the sun hasn't bothered to rise and why should it, see how unnecessary it is, left over from a sleepless night, it stayed there, in suspense, waiting to see what you could possibly get up to next. A patron saint for lost ca
1578 5 5
“Why is it so warm? Do you feel that? I think it’s...pulsing.”
1220 2 1
My wife storms into the kitchen with a pink mako shark slung over her shoulder, barking "Dinner!" towards me as I sit on the counter swishing my middle finger through a bowl of sand.
125 7 3
Because his mother is Catholic and he may be, too, subliminally.
1 0 0
Nothing is accomplished without the confidence of practice, the little joy of a pleasing thing that nourishes even before it is eaten.
76 3 2
Nothing is accomplished without the confidence of practice, the little joy of a pleasing thing that nourishes even before it is eaten.
54 0 0
Nothing is accomplished without the confidence of practice, the little joy of a pleasing thing that nourishes even before it is eaten.
147 9 4
The morning of her suicide, Nonny Rice received a letter.
131 6 3
She stares at the grinning death’s head in front of her, inviting her to make a deal. Any deal. She looks up and around the casino floor. She is in the center of the maze and there are no exits.