Stories tagged robert-frost

Revenge poem for Sara, following her disparaging remarks about my unfamiliarity with the literary history of the East Coast

10591059 views33 comments00 favs

In distant climes ’cross landlocked plains, where history digs still-shallow roots, From masonry a statue looms And in her arms gay pigeons roost.


9797 views1313 comments99 favs

So the utmost question remains, will you partner me this transaction!


131131 views44 comments11 fav

I didn't get it. Was she playing dumb? I looked into her eyes. They were so busy with eyeliner and glitter, I couldn't read them.


29032903 views88 comments55 favs

I did not understand its meaning until college when I learned that Frost would take long walks—the inspiration for so many of his poems—and would leave his wife at home while he did. And just before he left, she would guilt-trip him just a little by walk