Stories tagged rick-rofihe

Six Quarters (from Grand Street literary journal)

12241224 views00 comments00 favs

Yes, my old uncle liked roses. Grew them. He had a way of smelling a rose—after he smelled a rose, you are surprised the rose is still there.

Saturday Birthdays (from FATHER MUST)

11461146 views00 comments00 favs

When his mother was all dressed up on New Year’s Eve, and his father, even thought they had tickets for the dance, announced to her he wasn’t going to go, Johnny had gone into his room, put on a white shirt, a dark suit, his dress shoes, and a clip-o


17751775 views33 comments22 favs

Since Patty got the lumpectomy, she won’t sleep with anyone but Cal, because he was the one who went with her to the hospital and wasn’t surprised when he saw the scar.

Cousin (from The New Yorker)

13581358 views22 comments00 favs know something people around you don’t know can put you outside of them. And then you can’t get back in...

Though I'm NEVER Drunk, I'm ALWAYS Disorderly (memoir)

19591959 views1111 comments44 favs

1987. Recently, I told a teenager who was smoking a cigarette in an elevator that he should put it out. “You a cop?” he asked.

Break-up Bars (A Recipe...)

15271527 views00 comments00 favs

2 sticks soft (like your heart) butter... ... 1 cup crushed (like you) walnuts...

My Kentucky Fried Ascension (Memoir)

23842384 views1212 comments33 favs a boy I rode once in an elevator with Colonel Sanders...

Who In This Room Shared a Drink with Johnny Cash? (Memoir)

23962396 views1111 comments55 favs

...where I grew up the only celebrity one could count on seeing was Santa Claus...

How I Invented the Designer Jean in 1968 (Memoir)

17341734 views11 comment00 favs

Before I was 18 years old, in my small home town of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada, I invented the designer jean...

Please Come to Boston? (Memoir)

15951595 views11 comment00 favs

I've been invited to speak at Emerson College in Boston—it will be the summer of 2012, and I'll be speaking on running an online literary magazine; in this case, my own,

Eidetic (from OPEN CITY Magazine Number 16)

15971597 views11 comment11 fav

Who do you think are the true intellectuals? I'm a fan of both Gore Vidal and Harold Bloom although most people can't stand either of them. George Plimpton is interesting...

IGGY (Iguana Iguana) — A Novel (Chapter)

16111611 views22 comments11 fav

After he’d told her on Friday that No, he wasn’t going to sign that contract for the cemetery plots she’d picked out—“I don’t want to spend my whole life knowing exactly where I’ll end up” is exactly what he’d said—the marriage, as far as she was concerne

Feeling Marlene (from OPEN CITY Magazine Number 16)

18791879 views33 comments33 favs

I got your card in the mail via my ex-wife in Saskatoon. On it you wonder where I am, if I am still writing, and if I have any stories I would send for you to look at because you think I should be published, too.

'My Mother Was My Sister' — Rejection Letter to a Young Writer (Memoir)

14211421 views44 comments44 favs

When I was 10 or 11, some people thought that my father was my grandfather, that my brother was my father, and that my mother was my sister!

My Almost-Clash with The Rolling Stones (Memoir)

15741574 views44 comments22 favs

I'd been living in Boston, but, on a whim, flew to London, England. Soon I was working as support staff for the actor Alan Bates and his wife, Victoria, on a movie called "The Shout", shooting in Devon.