2336 17 6
1023 2 0
They shoveled coal into the furnace of the city so the ghosts would be warm for their haunting.
64 4 2
Pay day Exacta
mundo till she burned
your brow red with
profundities ...
96 3 1
Red runs in rivulets against the backdrop /
Into a pool, a morass, that is his life
7 2 0
this is not some/
sparrow, overfed-
64 5 4
this is not some
sparrow, overfed-
1176 3 2
She flew through the air, linen skirt billowing around her. Below, her buckled bicycle was taking a different route. Less aerodynamic than she, its trajectory was brief, crashing into the ditch. Elspeth kept on flying. Time slowed, and expanded
1384 5 3
She asks if I only write about men, which I tell her is redundant. I also answer, “Yes, but sometimes I write about them as race cars, hyenas, vaginas, or God.”
She smirks like she wants to smile, but it’s stuck halfway out her door. Her happiness has