Stories tagged pulp

The Stranger I : Vic's

11511151 views22 comments00 favs

The location : Vic's Seedy Space Bar. No, that's not just a description, that's the real name.

Who's There?

11851185 views33 comments11 fav

The old man sat in the run-down shack, nursing his lobol-weed tea, and cursing the bitter cold wind outside.

Art & Me

14851485 views00 comments00 favs

A human cop and a cyborg detective team up to solve a case. A sci-fi-pulp-noir-detective story.

The Last Warrior

10391039 views11 comment22 favs

His wings, like tiny shoots, grew a season in an instant. The pain was gone now. He rose up as effortlessly as centaurs run, as angels fly. "I will sing your name as my brother among my brothers," the Seraph promised. Kladius watched the beasts below

Heroin and Hyperspace (two blastoffs)

6868 views00 comments00 favs

"Hello, ah-ah-ah, ma-ma-ma-ma, aaaayaya, this is awful, I am in space," Yesh said, seeing if she could hear or feel her voice, trying not to obsess over her eyes. Her voice felt small, but there was pressure on her ears that may have overpowered it, and t