Stories tagged poverty


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I suggested the hospital was haunted. He thought about it. Maybe. There were a lot of electrical outlets, he said.

So You Want to Be a Poet

13801380 views1111 comments88 favs

You’re the girl that would sneak out to poetry readings instead of parties, watching fierce semi-bearded men reading their poems from hand-stapled zines.

Lost Boy - Excerpt from Single Stroke Seven

939939 views22 comments22 favs

“How long you been waiting around?” he asks as he pockets my soggy ten-dollar bill. “For a jump or break in life?” I ask. He smirks. “I hear that.”

Research Notes - Single Stroke Seven

11681168 views44 comments33 favs

It is within my nature, and many others I know, to cling to what’s consistent and certain: the battles fought in the war for survival and the organic camaraderie borne in the trenches. Sometimes the quest and the people we commiserate with along the way


11601160 views44 comments44 favs

Gas station mart generic whiskey that smells sketchier than bathtub moonshine. Don’t worry about liver damage or going blind because you won’t be drinking it. You’ll need every drop to disinfect cuts and wounds since you and thousands of others in your co

Emotional Gentrification - excerpt Single Stroke Seven

10981098 views33 comments44 favs

Sunday, Nolan and I drop by the ice rink on 10th and Alma to watch the amateur hockey leagues battle it out in an unspoken yet assumed class war: the buff, unemployed rink bums who can grind ice, cross-check, and stick handle like the pros, versus the dou

Streets of Gold

11161116 views1212 comments77 favs

I was beyond broke.

Three Flash Sonnets

13141314 views1616 comments1111 favs

Poor souls. Likely they'll be poets.

1 Mil = One-Tenth of a Cent

698698 views88 comments44 favs

Thankfully I don't have to share my Jim Beam with the cat.