1470 2 1
The dump smelled of the chaos of creation, of rusting metal and burned glass, chemicals and rancid rainwater, wet cardboard and rotting wood, paint slaking off clapboards and drums.
1856 4 2
Pion's long fingers fly from black to white, white to black, without missing even a measure. The nocturne starts soft.
1169 2 0
we're only playing with this language you and I
131 28 24
The forest is ours, the sea belongs to the Brits and the Americans have heaven.
282 2 2
I play like I do with sister at home, pretend everything’s real, that the cross is heavy, that the walk to Golgotha is long.
78 13 5
I own this property. You can't camp here. No camping allowed.
761 0 0
You think I had a choice? Let me tell you something. They own you. When you get this popular, they own you. Not the network. The people. The network just makes their best guess what the people want and gives it to them. You want to know why we do it? They
72 2 0
A violent act strikes at the heart of a family, and Mila seeks refuge in a private boarding school. It is her memories of her neighbor friend, Jerome that comforts her. If only she could return to their play, the world would be a better place.
134 13 6
Up pops one head, then another
From the vine’s dark covering
Heedless of the boy and his mower
Passing feet from their play
139 10 11
Children imagine dying all the time, especially when someone in their life, someone close, has died. Children's games often include pretend dying, flopping around after being shot for about three minutes, choking, falling to the ground and…
17 0 0
She lived on the top floor, supposedly the best floor in fancy buildings, but rather less glamorous when in a building with no elevators.
1231 3 0
“Jerome always came to play with ideas. It was like he was already thinking about it before we started. I loved his ideas. It caused me to think about it as well. We did variations on a theme and there was always a goal. Sometimes it was to grow and deliv
1173 0 0
We dig up conscience-tunnels, pluck the play-flower of present choice for fun, run aground, past this dimly lit, though not to be underestimated, stage, and open door upon empty door, to nothing, for the lights are a pulse flickering in the perceptual per
66 0 0
(Night. Two police officers stand at the bottom of the steps of a metropolitan museum, checking tickets. Spotlights sweep the sky; only a few stars are visible through the ambient glow of the city. A banner hanging on the front of the building reads: BENEFIT…
59 0 0
A short play based on college life.