Life feels like being stuck in a bus, next to a skinny bitch – the kind that keeps blinking.
She liked him. He was hot. He made the big bucks. He was smart.
The yellowed and peeling posters of men and women with grotesque disfigurements under the slogan, “Know Your Criminals!” that peered down at him from the walls were a familiar sight. Everyone knew that people with faces like that were as monstrous as they looked…
“You have an impressive pair there,” he says, hands warm as he cups them. “Shame they’re on a man though.”
Smoke is pouring outta my ears! (And outta my mouth and nostrils, but that's normal.) The Fast-o-matic Supermart has changed their coupons. Now you can't swap them for plastic surgery. So all those tubes of New Orleans-style Cottil-i-Lard dog sausage…