159 2 1
My accent doesn’t carry well over a milk steamer,beside a man in shorts, pulled-up white socks and New Balance running shoes shouting at a phone.
2322 13 12
The sign that informs tourists that there is
no access to the Hollywood Sign is the
most ignored sign in all of Los Angeles.
1405 11 9
We'll Thelma-and-Louise it, I urged, Bonnie-and-Clyde it, she bettered, Sundance-and-Butch it, I proffered but she was already leaning in for a kiss.
356 19 12
We’d have talked about the village boys,
Gordon Cowens, the Lambs,
the motorbikes and Morris Minors,
what used to be where something else is
over canal-side fish and chips from Fazely.