Stories tagged nazi-germany


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cummings starts to sniff, his usual routine. He feigns aloofness while raising one wolfy leg to pee on Eliot's sneakers.

Poplar Hill Chapter 1: The Ice Storm

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Within an hour of the storm starting Kitty was growing anxious. This was to be a “long duration event,” according to the weatherman. Already there was a visible sheen on the road and Vern, a neighbor right up the road, had gently spun his truck into the d


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The shop was dark except for a shaft of light from the back room. I tried the locked door, wiggled the knob, banged loudly on the pane glass and yelled for Mr. Haupmann. A man's head appeared in the backlit doorway to a room adjoining the darkened retail area.…

The letter

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Archie turned the envelope over slowly, examining the texture of the paper and the quality of the engraved address. The letter had been sent Registered Mail, Special Delivery and bore the handwritten enjoinder, "Personal and Confidential" in pencil. The r