Stories tagged james-claffey

short novel excerpt

7272 views00 comments00 favs

On the edge of the bed steam rises from the teacups on the top of the SuperSer. She scratches at her stockings where the heater element points and folds her legs sideways. Somehow I cannot stop staring at her. The changes in the years since we last met ar

life in a day

147147 views77 comments55 favs

...a farmer in coastal California drives by a dead Cooper’s hawk, and says to himself, “Well, I’ll come back for the hawk later. I can hang it in the fruit trees to keep other animals away.” The weight of an avocado is too much to bear, and the smooth gre

stay out of the garden

9494 views22 comments11 fav

. When the shiny black legs of the spider breach, they are followed by a torso the size of an apple.

marbled toes

144144 views00 comments00 favs

Master’s nerves fray, the cigarette smoke pouring from hairy nostrils, displeasure writ large on his horse-length face.

smoking into air

121121 views22 comments11 fav

I came of age in a hollowed-out log, my carapace grown hard, the shimmer of green scoring my underbelly. At the time I wasn’t unduly worried by the thought I’d become some self-created godhead


184184 views99 comments55 favs

The clouds above the Dublin Mountains are like singed cotton balls and the rose bush branches tremble in the north wind Mam hates so much. The lawn is a frozen square of muck, the white frost crusted on the few blades of grass left standing.

saltminer's archive I

127127 views22 comments11 fav

Early sunrise lacks any heat and the skunks wait under culverts for the steam to rise from the stem. Nothing to do but dig and dig.

dublin: tree-trimming

168168 views1515 comments55 favs

Mam was from the country and had strong views on issues like cats and pasteurization.

bolt the door: revised & shortened

141141 views1010 comments44 favs

After her death I begin to see and hear her ghost. It’s at night she scares me the most. The mumbled groans from behind her bedroom door. Granny, lying there, rigid, arms by her sides, her watery eyes fixed on the ceiling.


4141 views66 comments33 favs

he old man shaves with his electric Remington razor the morning the baby dies. The shrill echo of the phone in the hall brings him thundering down the stairs and as he stands there in his string vest and y-fronts he begins to shake. I make it halfway down

a reflection of sadness in the water

146146 views77 comments77 favs

a key dangles from a chain, useless as a stumped limb.

running away from home

176176 views1616 comments1212 favs

We marched on torn feet, the calluses such that we had no hope for the future. You toted your cantilevered heart in a suitcase, a cartographer out of his league, bound for the ocean.

sixteen magpies

141141 views66 comments22 favs

Sixteen magpies patrolled the patch of grass behind the house, splitting the soil with their shiny beaks and siphoning earthworms from the wet earth. Your blood and bile suctioned into waste receptacles, your sallow skin pitted and bluing as the sun made

skull of a sheep

940940 views44 comments44 favs

You are in a car speeding through Dublin towards the West year after year the journey uncoils past the same landmarks Kilmainham Jail strapped to a chair bullet to the brain on by the Rowntree Mackintosh factory where the black and yellow and orange and r

The Ridges of Ancient Battles

6767 views66 comments55 favs

“It smells like turkey,” she said, rubbing her one good eye. “No. I think it’s more like mutton,” I reply, tugging the lapels tight. The steam rose from the corpse in ripples, the matted fur stiff, stuck together in places. Where it came from we had no