The key is buried deep in dark soil. The red ribbon attached is a thread of blood leading to the Minotaur's lair and the louvered windows where light filters in and stripes the statue's carved rock.
The sky ceilinged blue and from so far down I swear I saw fleets of brigantine pelicans traverse the known world. Something about the water confused me.
We are airplanes in a take-off queue, waiting for death, for a parent to die and for ourselves to move out onto the runway, reluctant, ready for departure.
The dog refuses to budge and Jason gives up. He will drink a shot of tequila in memoriam.
From downstairs, the smell of meat cooking wafts through the rungs of the banisters. Mam's bustles about; whacking a chunk of dough with the rolling pin. I'd rather she beat the dough than the backs of my legs, which is often the punishment for refusing t
You are in a car speeding through Dublin towards the West year after year the journey uncoils past the same landmarks Kilmainham Jail strapped to a chair bullet to the brain on by the Rowntree Mackintosh factory where the black and…
Hod carrier, soon-to-be-father, he twisted the withered potato he kept in his trouser pocket to ward off the rheumatism. He hoped for a boy, yes, a little gossoon with fair hair and green eyes.
He’d lost any contact with the last woman he’d attempted a romance with, a nurse from Dublin, who, after a romantic weekend in Moate with him had departed with his kissing her forehead and admonishing her to “look after yourself, now.”